
How To Become A Foster Parent: The Main Factors That Determine Your Eligibility

Relationships & Family Blog

If you've ever considered becoming a foster parent, you might have wondered if you're eligible. The truth is, the eligibility requirements vary from state to state, so it's important to check with your local Department of Human Services or a similar agency.  However, there are some general factors that determine eligibility. Here are a few of them. You Must Be at Least 21 Years Old Most states have a minimum age requirement of 21 for foster parents.

9 June 2022

Abortion Alternatives For Pregnant Women

Relationships & Family Blog

Pregnancy can be a beautiful gift, but it can also lead to untold amounts of stress if unplanned. Women facing an unplanned pregnancy often feel alone. They may be ashamed and afraid to reach out to others for assistance. If you find yourself pregnant and you're not sure what to do, you should know there are resources to help you. Here are four abortion alternatives for pregnant women: 1. Pregnancy Hotlines

25 March 2021

How Grief Counseling Can Help You

Relationships & Family Blog

Grief can be caused by a number of factors. Some people assume that grief can only be caused by death or similar tragedies. However, it can be caused by anything from moving to a new place to getting married. The most important thing is how you react to your grief. If you want the situation to improve, it is important that you speak to a professional about what you're going through.

16 December 2019

5 Ways To Add A Musical Touch To Cremated Remains

Relationships & Family Articles

For many people, music is a huge part of their lives. Whether it's singing, playing an instrument, or enjoying the sounds of bands, your recently passed loved one likely had a passion for music. Celebrate their love for music with a cremation urn or keepsake that represents them and their life. As you browse through various designs and creations, there are five different types that can add a musical touch. Not only is this a great way to display the keepsake, but it often adds an extra element that represents the music in their life.

15 January 2016

5 Reasons You Need A Support Network If You Are Giving Your Baby For Adoption

Relationships & Family Articles

If you have decided to place your baby up for adoption, then it is important that you have a support network in place throughout your pregnancy and the adoption process. Unfortunately, many birth mothers feel like they are unable to confide in their family and friends or lack traditional support networks. If you feel this way, you should find a support network through a birth mother's group, a counselor of your choosing, or select friends that you believe will support you.

11 December 2015